
UC3: VitaDX, Cerballiance Finistère and the COSS laboratory are collaborating within the framework of the "Collaborative innovation at the crossroads of different sectors" initiative.
14 May 2019 -
The Characterisation of Urothelial Cancer Cells "UC3" project funded by the Brittany region, Rennes Métropole and the ERDF aims to deepen our…

Against cancer VitaDX invests 5 years of efforts.
31 May 2018 -
Five years of efforts to transform a patented technology into an industrialised solution, tested and certified.

Artificial intelligence. Healthcare and patients have everything to gain from the digital era – Le Télégramme
15 May 2018 -
VitaDX citée dans Le Télégramme à l'occasion de la journée Numérique & Santé.